use up的用法与搭配
vt.& vi. 用完,耗尽;用光
1. 耗尽,用完
2. 用光 用完
3. 用完 用光
4. 用完,用尽
5. 用完,花完
6. 用完,耗尽
7. 用尽
8. 罄
9. 耗竭
10. 穷竭
- Increased photosynthesis will use up carbon dioxide ; increased respiration produces more of it .
- 光合作用的增加会消耗二氧化碳,呼吸作用的增加则产生二氧化碳。
- Last year buyers of china 's rare earths did not use up the available export quotas .
- 去年,中国稀土的买家并未用完既有的出口配额。
- But I think fear is a natural asset - it helps me stay sharp and fighting it would only use up energy .
- 但是害怕也是正常的---他让我提高警惕,不断超越,倾尽全力。
- Phytoplankton use up the nutrients available and growth falls off until winter storms kick-start mixing .
- 浮游植物耗尽了可用的养分后便停止了生长开始衰败,直到下一次冬季暴风再次搅动水体的混合。
- The ability of some ecosystems to clean themselves up can also cause knock-on problems . When bacteria eat up oil-which they have been doing at the gulf 's oily seeps for millions of years-they use up oxygen too .
- 靠生态系统清除污染也会带来切实难题,即使菌类能吃掉油污它们已渗透到海湾油层达数百万年同时也会用尽氧气。
- No I have to buy a pet before you use up all the money .
- 不,我得在你把钱花完前买只宠物。
- These do not use up the insert effect resources .
- 这些不使用的插入作用的资源。
- That will use up a quarter or more of the output of a power station fitted with ccs according to most estimates .
- 据估计,使用ccs技术的发电厂将要耗去其电力产量的四分之一或者更多。
- The airfare alone would use up all my money never mind the hotel bills .
- 单单机票就会用光我所有的钱,更不要说旅馆账单了。
- Now I would argue is when central banks use up their credibility .
- 依我看,现在是各国央行充分利用自己的可信度的时候。